
Innovation Landscape

Promote a learning environment where creativity, ideation, innovation, problem solving and entrepreneurship skills of students are nurtured.


Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC) has launched the School Innovation Council (SIC) program for schools across the country. The Program aims at fostering the culture of Innovation, Ideation, Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and Design Thinking in Schools. SIC will promote out of box thinking in school education as envisioned in National Education Policy 2020. This initiative is a major tool for the implementation of recently released National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promotion Policy (NIEPP) for schools by the union ministry of Education.
The schools will have to conduct various activities for students and teachers under SIC annual calendar plan. These activities will prepare the ground for Innovation, ideation, and prototype development contests at school, state and national levels. SIC will link schools with Innovation Councils established by MoE’s Innovation Cell at Higher Education Level to further provide exposure to school students.
The school principal has to register the School Innovation Council as per provisions of MIC given in SIC program guidelines below.


Certificate of




Sl. No Name Email Contact Designation
01 Ranjan Debnath sabroomgirlshs@gmail.com 8257982186 Chairperson
02 Rahul Debnath rahul.rajesh20@gmail.com 7005691613 Convenor
03 Ashok Roy royasok1982@gmail.com 8131885153 Addl. Member
04 Deeptesh Biswas sbmdeeptesh@gmail.com 9612863800 SM Coordinator
05 Sanghita Debnath sanghita2302@gmail.com 9612925345 Addl. Member
06 Sanjoy Debnath sdn.hp1988@gmail.com 8974816869 Innovation Ambassador
07 Santu Basak basaksantu0@gmail.com 7005695019 Addl. Member
08 Saptami Saha saptamisahasbm.com@gmail.com 9362668785 Addl. Member
09 Utpal Debnath utpaldebnathsbm78@gmail.com 9612670834 Addl. Member
10 Sunil Chandra Debnath sunilsbmt@gmail.com 7085406376 Expert Member
Innovation Policy